Cover and layout design for the Tomato issue of SOURCED


The Anthony Marano Company, repacking produce for the Chicago area. Kept with brand standards and awareness for the company through their industry magazine SOURCED, label designs, in store displays and social media content.

 Cover and layout design for the Tomato issue of SOURCED

Cover and layout design for the Tomato issue of SOURCED

 Cover and multiple layout designs for the Berry issue of SOURCED.

Cover and multiple layout designs for the Berry issue of SOURCED.

 Layout designs for SOURCED magazine.

Layout designs for SOURCED magazine.

 Monthly social media designs for Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin.

Monthly social media designs for Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin.

 Label design for Specially Selected brand for Aldi.

Label design for Specially Selected brand for Aldi.

 In-store campaign design for Jewel grocery stores. Focus on seasonal vegetables with banner and recipe card.

In-store campaign design for Jewel grocery stores. Focus on seasonal vegetables with banner and recipe card.